Sunday 6 January 2008

First Paragraph

"This is my house,whose going to stop me."
Does Provoked follow a typical stereotype of the asian male?

Asians now make up 3.5% of united kingdoms population.The film Provoked directed by Jag Mundhrah portrays the role of the male protgonist Deepak throughtout the film to be controlling, and abusive. The films focal point is about the true story of Kiranjit Ahluwalia a battered Punjabi housewife and mother of two in London, who sets her husband on fire and kills him,after 10 years of physical and mental abuse. In Provoked,Deepak has conformed to the stereotypes of asian males, and is shown as a very typical asian male from most peoples perceptions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

5 ebi points:-
- put up more detailed points
- put up more information
- use the information provided
- would be better if it was a longer paragraph.
- would be beter if you would provide a bit of the history of the text.

5 www:-
- to the point detail
- provided statistics
- talks about stereotypes
- difference in genders
- the quote is short and direct to the point