Thursday 4 October 2007


1. Binary Opposition: Two opposites
Good and evil Kiran v's Deepak

2.Equilibrium: Start of a narrative.
Deepak abuses Kiran

3. Femenism: A strong movement by women.
Black sisters.

4.Hero: Primary character throughtout film, who the audiences identifies.

5.Mise-en-scene: The scenery in a shot.
The prison cell,dimly lit.

6. Patriarchy: A male dominanted society.
Deepak throghtout the film.

7.Representation: The ay in which people and places are percieved.
Representation of asian males,focusing on deepak.

8.Ambient Sound: A sound coming from the location.
Deepak beating Kiran with the tap running in the kitchen.

9.Celebrity: An indivdual reconginised by the puclic for being in media texts.
Ashwaria Rai,being the main protagonist, helped to make the film a hit.

10.Culture: The practices of a group of people.
The representation of asian males,may be sterotyped by the asian culture.

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