Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Detailed Essay Plan

"...this is my house,whose going to stop me...?"
Does Provoked follow a typical stereotype of the asian male?

Hypothesis: Provoked follows a typical stereotype of the asian male.

My independant study focuses on representations of asian males, with specifc reference to the text Provoked and the ways in which the dominant male is shown throughtout the film. I will be looking at the ways in which the film as shown the male to be a typical sterotype. The way in which i will be doing this is firstly comparing the film, to similar modern texts such as (East is East &). There after i will be looking at other older texts such as ( Sholay 1975). I will be looking at is the way in which Amitabh Bachan is shown to be a hero in a clip from the film,where he is seen fighting to rescue the damsel in distress. The way in this relates to the independant study, is when Deepak is fighting with Kiran he feels guiltyy afterwards and then goes back to her and blames her saying its her fault for his outburts. This is a contrast between the two films. (I)

I will put forward stereotypes of asian males from the website,then i will discuss whether Deepak conforms to these stereotypes.


1. The Cinema Book 2nd Edition
Pam Cook& Mieke Bernink
British Film Institution

2. Representing Men
Kenneth Mackinnon
Arnold Hodder headline group

3. Representing Race
Robert Ferguson
Arnold Hodder headline group

4. How to do media & cultural studies
Jane Stokes
Sage Publications

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